New Mexico Railroad Accidents Lawyer

The size and weight of passenger and freight trains mean any accident could be catastrophic. There are usually two categories of injuries associated with railroad accidents; injury to a railroad employee who was on the job or injury to a non-rail worker. An attorney can help you determine if there was negligence on the part of the train’s engineer or other crew members, failure to warn of a known hazard, safety standard violations or other negligence, which could mean you are entitled to compensation.

As a victim, you don’t want to negotiate with the railroad company on your own. You want to hire an attorney who knows what a just settlement range for your case is based on your unique facts and circumstances. If the railroad company is calling, you must understand that they are entrusted to do what is in the best interest of the company and not what is in your best interest. Let The Law Office of Abrar & Vergara represent your interests.

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